Catholic Regional College North Keilor takes a proactive approach to wellbeing with a focus on the holistic importance of emotional, social, academic and physical wellbeing.

A number of specialised services are in place, designed specifically to support the wellbeing and learning of every student.

The Wellbeing Team consists of the Assistant Principal – Wellbeing, Director – Student Services, House Leaders, College Psychologists/Counsellors, and the Learning Diversity Leader. Students and families are welcome to approach the Wellbeing Team with any concerns they may have. 

Student services include:

College Counsellors:

  • provide support through confidential counselling sessions
  • accept referrals from staff members or parents/guardians for students who may be experiencing difficulties
  • where necessary guide students and families to seek external support
  • support College staff and help build the skills required to nurture student wellbeing, providing holistic support for students.

Front Office/First Aid:

  • Responds to students attending sick bay
  • Monitors accuracy of student medical records in Operoo
  • Manages student medication and medical devices
  • Assists parents/carers and staff to manage the specific needs of students with a chronic illness.

IT Helpdesk:

Provides dedicated IT support to students and families to provide set up, troubleshooting and repairs to student devices.

Learning Diversity Team:

  • Assist students during Pastoral Care and Wellbeing sessions, and in a range of subject areas
  • Assists students to follow Individual Learning Plans where their learning needs cannot be met by the regular curriculum
  • Attend excursions and events to provide assistance by way of physical support when necessary.

External Support

At times, students and families may require additional support. Links to a range of external support services for families and adolescents are provided below:

Beyond Blue:

eSafety Commissioner:


Kids Helpline:
