Statement of Philosophy

Catholic Regional College North Keilor is a faith community committed to a positive culture of personal and collective growth, where all are valued, supported and empowered to flourish through respectful conversations.


The constitution of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) contains a Statement of Mission, which provides the expectations of the sole member of MACS, the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne (Member), for Catholic schooling and the identity and work of a Catholic school. The Statement of Mission positions MACS firmly in the reality of the Eucharistic character of the Catholic school, affirming that its enterprise is one that builds community and provides opportunity for personal transformation.

With parents and parishes, Catholic schooling seeks to fulfil this mission by providing an environment in which students are enabled to:

* encounter God in Christ and deepen their relationship with him
* pursue wisdom and truth encouraged by a supportive academic culture
* grow in the practice of virtue, responsible freedom and serving the common good.

A Catholic school:

* is actively embedded in the life of the faith communities of the local Church, which in turn is tangibly manifested in the life of each school
* is an essential place for the evangelising of children and young people
* exists to assist students, and their families, to integrate faith, reason, life and culture
* is conspicuously Christian in outlook, explicitly Catholic in faith and practice, and intentionally missionary in orientation
* cultivates spiritual, social and emotional growth in a safe and protective environment
* provides a learning environment in which the whole educational community is formed to embrace life in all its fullness (Jn 10.10)
* offers a human formation that has the intellectual, practical and moral excellence of learners at its heart
* forms consciences, fosters peace and develops respectful dialogue, at the service of intellectual charity
* encourages the discovery of Catholic cultural heritage, especially in art, music, literature and architecture.

Catholic Regional College North Keilor is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is owned, operated and governed by MACS.

Catholic Regional College North Keilor is a Catholic Secondary school which has been established to provide quality education in the Catholic doctrine for families within the enrolment zone. 


We are a school where every learner can become who God calls them to be.


To do this we take the time to know our students, their needs and aspirations.

Every student achieves success through a personal pathway. We engage students by differentiating learning and offering a wide range of cultural and faith-based programs and immersions.

We equip young people to become peacebuilders in our world.


1. We put relationships first

We ‘meet each person at the gate’, welcoming every student as we find them. We believe in the inherent dignity and immeasurable value of every person. We seek to understand their story and enable them to discover and pursue their passions.

2. We are an inclusive community

We are committed to creating a welcoming, respectful and safe school environment. Everyone is known, loved, challenged to grow and contribute to our learning community.

3. We celebrate all gifts and abilities

We value all forms of service and achievement. This extends to our staff, who are supported with meaningful professional development and opportunities for growth within a collegial and progressive working environment. We value all forms of service and achievement. This extends to our staff, who are supported with meaningful professional development and opportunities for growth within a collegial and progressive working environment.

4. We care for the vulnerable

We are a proud Catholic school. We embrace and celebrate the rich diversity within our own and the wider community, always mindful of those most in need. We journey in partnership with our families and have faith in the capacity and voice of our students.

5. We nurture community partnerships

We seek authentic relationships with all families and strong connections with our local parishes, feeder schools and colleges within the CRC Federation. 
We are of service to our local community and committed to creating a more just and peaceful world. We embrace and celebrate the rich diversity within our own and the wider community, always mindful of those most in need. We journey in partnership with our families and have faith in the capacity and voice of our students.


Our College proudly takes its place among the Federation of four* Catholic Regional Colleges, which also includes CRC St Albans, Caroline Springs and Sydenham. We were founded in 1982 as a Year 7 to 10 Co-Educational College to educate youth from the surrounding parishes of St Christopher’s Airport West / St Augustine’s Keilor, St Mary of the Assumption Keilor Downs, St Peter's Keilor East and Emmaus Sydenham.

We take pride in being an inclusive, faith community that welcomes and values all the students, families and staff of our College. With Jesus as our role model, we embrace our core values of Faith, Compassion, Resilience and Respect as constant reminders of the journey we travel on, and the people we are striving to be. We hope that each of our students feel a strong sense of belonging to the College, that they are challenged to discover and pursue their individual learning passions and journey on a pathway towards success and fulfilment. The College has the highest hopes and expectations of our students in terms of the attitude, effort and formation of habits necessary for life-long learning and achievement.

Our staff are proud of the rich tradition of CRC North Keilor, and are committed to working together to ensure a supportive, inclusive and positive environment exists here; a culture where personalised learning needs and interests of students are always paramount.

Our motto of ‘make us bearers of your peace’ challenges us to journey together with faith and hope, always working towards a better world for all.

Philosophy Enactment

Catholic Regional College North Keilor is a faith community committed to a positive culture of personal and collective growth, where all are valued, supported and empowered to flourish through respectful conversations.

Our staff are committed to working collaboratively and passionately to engage our students through positive relationships and meaningful learning programs tailored to meet the spiritual, cognitive, social and emotional needs of students at all year levels.

The College strives to welcome, include and empower our parent community through positive communication channels that include an engaging parent portal, regular newsletters, parent teacher student conferences, faith gatherings, information evenings and parent workshops.

Our values guide students, staff and families on our journey of growth and formation.


The MACS Board will ensure schools have implemented a contextualised school philosophy using this template through the annual report to the school community and regular school review processes (at least once every four years).